Is your manufacturing eco-system becoming more and more complex?
Then digitize your processes!

Our agile Hummingbird MES ensures more efficiency and fewer headaches on the shop floor, shorter throughput and setup times, maximum transparency, control and traceability. Additionally, the modular design allows you to get started in a customized way.

When it comes to the production of individual parts and small batches, there is no way around end-to-end digitization in toolmaking and mechanical engineering. After all, fluctuating order levels and workloads, complex supply chains and shorter delivery times are continually creating increasing external pressure and they demand greater flexibility and efficiency. On the shop floor, error-prone manual production planning and organization on paper or using Excel spreadsheets has long since reached its limits.

What is a Manufacturing Execution System (MES)?

If you are aiming for more transparency, automation and competitiveness, an MES can help. Unlike, for example, business-oriented systems for enterprise resource planning (ERP), an MES is characterized by its direct connection to the individual systems of process automation and enables the ‘management, guidance, control or monitoring of production in real-time.’ (Source: Wikipedia.)


Hummingbird MES: Five aces in the digital hand

Our agile Hummingbird MES trumps here with its unique flexibility and wealth of functions. Small and large manufacturing companies with differing requirements benefit from the following advantages:

  • Meeting the challenges

    The Hummingbird MES handles highly complex manufacturing scenarios in which frequent changes and changeovers as well as fluctuating workloads are the order of the day.

  • Modular for the future

    The system enables a simple, manageable entry into the digitalization of the manufacturing world and grows its modules according to your vision – taking you right up to a holistic digital manufacturing management suite in the sense of Industry 4.0

  • Agile in real-time

    Our MES system visualizes and controls the entire manufacturing process with all projects, processes, machines, material and personnel resources including capacity utilization. This is all done in real-time and is visible at a glance. Authorized interventions are possible at any time and every user receives the relevant information and data at the right time and in the right place.

  • Highly integrative

    The Hummingbird MES uses functions from production data and machine data acquisition (PDA and MDC) and supports all common operating systems. It integrates any automation system as well as systems for ERP, CAD/CAM, product data and product lifecycle management (PDM and PLM) – as well as your own bespoke developments via an open API interface.

  • Extensively networked - without major IT requirements

    The MES can be used managed mobile and online via desktop, tablet and smartphone. It maps decentralized structures, connects different locations or even suppliers, and is ready for operation in a very short time with minimal installation effort.

How do you successfully implement your modular MES solution?

Hummingbird facilitates your entry into the digitalized manufacturing world. Choose the modules you need and build them up, step by step as needed. Here are some proven entry strategies for different needs:


CAM-centric MES introduction

For step-by-step digitization, the CAM system is often recommended as a starting point. The integrated MES then takes over the complete management of CAM projects and NC data, automatically delivers NC programs to machines, relieves personnel and prevents expensive errors.

CAM-centric introduction

Introduction of digital planning and control

Do you have to intervene manually in the manufacturing process frequently and with a lot of effort? Do you lose too much time searching for information and material or reconciliation within the team? Then switch to end-to-end digital planning and control of your manufacturing with Hummingbird.

Detailed planning and control

Introduce MES, optimize tool logistics

Those who want to bring their tool management up to speed will benefit from a clever distribution of roles. For example, the introduction of the Hummingbird MES to control tool logistics in conjunction with a leading CAM tool database.

Tool logistics

Mit Maschinendatenerfassung (MDE) starten

Automatisierte MDE ist immer ein guter Einstieg in die Digitalisierung Ihrer Fertigung. Unser MDE-Baustein erfasst und visualisiert die Daten aus so gut wie jeder Maschine und zeigt die effektive Produktions­leistung samt Schwach­stellen auf – eine unentbehrliche Basis für nach­haltige Optimierungen und Entscheidungen.

MES-Start mit MDE
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